
Thanks to the support of thousands of individuals, foundations, corporations, and others, The Barton Center for Diabetes Education serves more than 2,000 children and families with type 1 diabetes each year.

There are several ways you may support the mission of The Barton Center. In-kind services or materials, annual fund, cash donations, planned giving, or project specific support are several ways you may help.

Barton Fundraising Campaigns
Support one of our campaigns here. This is an easy way to fundraise to support camp programs or make online donations directly to the campaign of your choice including our new Special Occasions campaign.

Annual Fund
The Barton Center for Diabetes Education, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. Your donation to our annual fund is tax deductible as allowed by law.

Donor Advised Funds
If you have a donor advised fund with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or Kansas City Community Foundation, you can now donate directly from your fund to The Barton Center. Please click here for DAF Direct to make your grant recommendation.

Leadership Circle
The Leadership Circle is comprised of donors who make a contribution of $1,000 or more during the fiscal year. Members of this prestigious category of our annual giving program, including many alumni, trustees, parents, staff, and friends, play an instrumental role in the achievement of our mission. Leadership Circle members are recognized in Barton’s Annual Report and at the Annual Meeting.

Friends of The Barton Center are Board recognized volunteers who serve as ambassadors to The Barton Center and the Clara Barton Birthplace Museum, serve on committees, participate in various activities, and attend meetings and events.

Gifts of Stock & Bonds
Gifts of stocks and bonds provide donors with a means of giving to The Barton Center. Donors receive a tax deduction for the market value of the securities, computed on the day of their transfer, while avoiding payment of capital gains on the stock’s appreciated value. Donors of stock are encouraged to consult their brokers or advisors.

In-Kind Contributions
We gratefully accept gifts of goods and services. Our medical supply donations alone total more than $100,000 per year.

Matching Gifts
There are many companies that match their employees’ donations to nonprofit organizations. If you or your spouse work for or are retired from a company that offers a matching gift program, your gift to The Barton Center may qualify for a match by your company.

Event Sponsorship
The Barton Center holds a variety of events each year that provide excellent opportunities to publicize your business through event sponsorship. For more information, please call 508-987-2056, or email

Planned Giving
Planned giving enables you to blend your financial and philanthropic goals. It can provide you with tax advantages, asset management, and charitable gift fulfillment. Gifts of cash, securities, real estate, personal property, life insurance, and pooled income funds can provide immediate benefits. Deferred gifts, such as bequests and life insurance, reduce estate taxes and offer future financial support to The Barton Center to carry out its mission, while helping you realize your legacy.

A planned gift can benefit you and your heirs, provide a memorial to a loved one, and support the causes that are important to you. Donors are encouraged to consult with their attorneys or financial advisors to determine the legal and tax implications of your planned gift. If you would like to make a gift to The Barton Center or want to discuss the opportunities available, please contact us at (508) 987-2056.

Online Camp Store
Please click here to purchase items from our online camp store.

Volunteer Opportunities

Every year, more than 250 volunteers, ranging from medical professionals and parents of campers to neighbors and business executives, provide incredible support to The Barton Center, and to the children and families we serve. If you would like to volunteer, many rewarding opportunities are awaiting you:

  • General Volunteers: Special events, program activities, summer camp, family weekends, fundraising events, and administrative tasks are just a few volunteer opportunities available on an as-needed basis.
  • Ambassadors: Ambassadors are called upon to share their Barton knowledge to a variety of groups and organizations. If you are willing to share your own Barton story or staff a booth at a convention, conference or health fair, please consider becoming a Barton Ambassador and help us spread the word.
  • Advisors: Volunteers with special expertise, such as medical staff, business leaders, tradesmen, and educators. They are called for special projects depending on their expertise.

If you would like to learn more about any of these opportunities, please contact us.