Latest News & Events
Registration for summer 2025 is NOW OPEN! Camper applications are in the mail. You may register online or mail your camper application. CLICK HERE for online registration or PDF materials which you may print and mail. Fundraise for your camp session here. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CLARA BARTON CAMP AND CAMP JOSLIN: We will be running BOTH resident camp programs this summer: Clara Barton Camp for Girls & Camp Joslin for Boys. Continuing in 2025, we are offering a free session of resident camp to first-time T1D campers attending Clara Barton Camp or Camp Joslin! The Wing Trust is continuing to provide scholarships to first-time male T1D campers attending a 1 or 2-week session at Camp Joslin. The Shoolman Trust will again provide scholarships to first-time female T1D campers attending a 1 or 2-week session at Clara Barton Camp.
The Barton Center was chosen as one organization to be featured on the Chronicle on WCVB Channel 5 during Diabetes Awareness Month. If you missed this amazing segment and would like to see how the Chronicle highlighted camp, you can check it out here!
Newly diagnosed T1D or new to Barton this year? Know someone who would love to attend camp? We have a “first time camper” program for both boys and girls who would like to attend one of our overnight sessions at Camp Joslin in Charlton, MA! The Wing Trust is continuing to provide scholarships to first-time male campers for a 1 or 2-week session. New this year, we have scholarships for first-time female campers provided generously by the Shoolman Trust. Please call or email for additional details.
We have weekend programs for children ages 6-16. Join us for an extended five-day Winter Camp program in December, Color Wars Weekend in February, or Barton Gold Rush Camp in April. We also offer family programs such as our Fall Family Weekend in November. Register online today or print out our Fall, Winter, Spring brochure and mail your registration.
Support one of our campaigns here. This is an easy way to fundraise to support camp programs or make online donations directly to the campaign of your choice including our new Special Occasions campaign. This is where you can also start your own online fundraiser to raise money for your 2025 camp fee!
Check out our online camp store for camp apparel and other merchandise. We have Camp Joslin and Clara Barton Camp shirts, hoodies, joggers, and many other items to choose from, even including a baby onesie. Each item can be ordered in an assortment of colors. If you’re looking for a gift for your camper or just want something for yourself, click here for the site.